From the start, our intention was the highest efficiency heating and A/C setup possible. We discussed the merits of a geothermal system, but the requirements and lot size presented limitations that outweighed the benefits. Having opted for the Infinity System, we discovered that Carrier also produces a “Hybrid System”– a heat pump.A heat pump is basically an air conditioner in that it will extract the heat from your home in the summer, but will also pull heat from outside air in the winter (like your– fridge but working both ways). In many climates, this setup will suffice as both a heating and cooling system, but in London, we still require an additional heat source (surprised?). The beauty of this dual-fuel setup is that the two systems share the heating load, each system operating when it is most cost effective. The heat pump is supposed to do most of the work, with the furnace taking over when the temperature drops below the heat pump’s ability to operate efficiently. We can’t wait to see what savings this system will produce in such a large home. Click image below for a complete overview of this system, and potential savings.